Pre for the Manley Snapper

Everytime i visit a hifistore, and tell them about a pre for the Manly Snapper. They always tell med different preamps, and the shop that has the Manley snapper mono amps they tell me, that i cant use that or that. I have to but the pre they are selling. 
And of course i can buy the Manley Steelhead, and thats the end of it. It will fit like a glove. But i hope to find something cheaper than the Steelhead. Probably with a dac and streaming device. But i hope for a pre that dont have digital volume. Because with digital volume, i get the feeling when i play on low volume that there is something holding back the sound. It fells compressed in the sound, if you understand my thinking. 
So does anybody know of a good pre for the snapper that dont cost more than maybe 5.000€ perhaps.
So any suggestion you good folks out there in the sound jungle


Showing 3 responses by heidrun

Thanks for the reply. Havent thought about the Shrimp. Thanks. But its strange. The Snapper has XLR in, but i cant find a Manley Pre with XLR out
When i speak to a dealer of loudspeakers. They always want to sell what they have. And most of the dont have for example the Sonus Faber Olympica III loudspeakers, and i love the sound of the Olympica III, but it is also difficult to get to listen to the Snapper and  Olympica together. But when i tell them about the combo, they always tell me, that that aint a great combination, but that i instead should buy the loudspeakers they have in the store.
So i wonder. Have anybody listened to the Snapper and Sonus Faber together
Im thinking here. Because the lack og inputs on Manley preamps. Then i have looked at another pre, but one from McIntosh. The C-22. It got a lovely vintage look and it has some nice specs. But for someone that knows specs better than me, and may have heard the combination Mc and Manley. Will the C-22 be a good match for the Snappers