Pre-amp worthwhile?? Denon AVR-4311 with B&W 703's

I am very happy with my system (Denon AVR-4311 with B&W 703's). I have built my own sub and sub pre-amp which I think sounds great too. I also have two rear speakers (DynAudio Image 3's) because I like the 5.1 sound for movies, but mainly I love to listen to high quality music of all persuassions.


I keep reading about pre-amps and how they can really improve the sound quality. Firstly, if so what pre-amp would you recommend I try considering my current setup and secondly, how can a pre-amp improve the sound?
Hey millarcarbon & caphill for your detailed replies.

Firstly I must say that I am extremely happy with the audio quality achieved through my Denon AVR and B&W speakers. It sounds amazing, truly fantastic in every way, soundstage, treble, base, fullness. etc. not boasting and also anecdotal I know, but I have had audio engineers and sound producers come listen and express how good they think it sounds. I have also had many hi-fi enthusiasts with McIntosh or Krell amps etc comment on the great sound. In fact I have auditioned many very expensive ($5,000 -$80,000) systems with separates over the years, and found the sound of my setup to be very good overall. (I know that this is all anecdotal, but I can only tell you my personal experience!) However, I am not unhappy in any way with the sound, I was just wondering IF it would be worthwhile 'Tweaking' things with a pre-amp or dedicated stereo amp. I like to experiment and try new things so was just curious whether a pre-amp could potentially improve the system and in the technical reasons why some would argue that AVR's are inferior. I respect your information and opinions, and sincerely wish you could hear for yourselves :).

 I must say that I am extremely happy with the audio quality achieved through my Denon AVR and B&W speakers. It sounds amazing, truly fantastic in every way,"

Good for you to be so happy, thrilled, and satisfied why are you seeking any advise, recommendations, or consultation if you are so happy with the equipment that you have now.
Good question, I guess I find it difficult to understand technically how such recommendations (pre-amp, separates etc) can improve the sound of my system but am open to trying something new.
I believe your Denon receiver retailed for around $2100.00 so this isn’t your typical big box store low-end receiver.  Also, if it sounds right it must be right.

Some people are audio snobs and hear “receiver” or “AVR” and think it can’t produce good sound.  If it sounds great to you don’t change a thing!