Pre-amp/processor Do we think about it yet?

I am attempting to make some changes and am a bit confused about what I want to do.. I am just stepping back into the audio arena and my knowledge is minimal. I have used a Couterpoint AMP and C.P. pre-amp for years with some Maggies. The Counerpoint is a hybrid design. I have had some problems with both counterpoint componets. I don't really like problems. :)I am looking again and don't know if I should look ahead or not. I am planning on the getting the Sonus Faber Cremonas. I have seen a Mac Processor/pre-amp combo that looks pretty appealing and the Krell theatre 7.1. There is a switch out to remove the processor from audio arena. Does this really work? OR am asking the combo to do too much stuff? Should I just stay with the seperates and put in a processor when I am really ready... I want 4 speakers and the processor would make life simpler... but how much am I sacrificing? It would be nice to control the two sets of speakers independently... I have seen the Mac here pretty reasonable.. Could you guys help me out here... :)
Thanks for the input... It's a difficult world and I regress but you are correct and that's what I will do...
I am trying to do too much and must put the important things first.. Thanks
When you're ready, get the stand alone processor. If you like keep your amp and pre. One just goes from the rca-outs for the 'fronts' on the processor, back into another input on your preamp. So for 2ch you'll be using say the 'cd' input.---Then for movies you'll be using a different input,say 'aux'. BTW, any respectable HT setup will have 5 speakers. So, you'd be talking about a 3ch amp to run the center and the rear L-R channels.--Your present 2ch rig does the 'front' L-R chores in this setup.