Pre amp for Pass Aleph 3

Current or former owners of the Pass Labs Aleph 3 amp, please give me some idea of what pre amp you like and sounds good as well as mates well with the 3. I just picked one up and know it needs a pre amp with a bit of gain. No passives with this amp as noted in the Stereophile Class A review.

Im currently thinking of AA Modulus 3A, Cary SPL-50 or EA-3 DJH Sig. pre as well as an Audio Note M-One. Id like to have a MM phono stage...but not necessary. Price range used is ~1K.

Thanks for the ideas and thoughts,

Showing 1 response by peterh

I have Aleph 2 mono amps and am VERY happy with a Placette active pre amp. Rarely seen on used Audiogon but WORTH THE WAIT. It has plenty of gain in my system,is the best I've heard, dynamic, detailed, coherent. Guy, the man who builds them is a gentleman. Try it at home. PH