Pre-amp for McCormack DNA 1 Deluxe

I recently purchased the DNA 1 Deluxe and probably will upgrade it with upgrade B offered by Steve McCormack. I have been told a few different things by a variety of salesperson, each with a product to sell. I would like some comments from other audio nuts re: what is a good pre-amp for this amp? Speakers are B&W Nautilus 805s, CD is CAL DX-1 and tuner is entry Rotel(but a very nice one). I am using Kimber Silver streak interconnects and Alphacore MI2 speaker cables. I am currently using the pre in my Arcam Alpha 9. Would a tube pre-amp give me a more tube-like sound? Can I get the same from a SS unit such as the Adcom 750? Thanks to all who help this pre-amp challenged audio nut.

Showing 1 response by john_l

That McCormack is a great amp. Every time I hear one I am impressed. I have heard this with both the mccormack passive pre-amp and the gfp-750. They both sounded wonderful. I couldn't tell them apart. You can probably get a used mccormack pre much cheaper than the adcom. I have the adcom myself and I am very pleased with it. Take care, John.