powervar power conditioners

hi, all.
i have two quicksilver m-80 amps, a ps audio ps III phono preamp and linear control center at the heart of my system, along with a mcintosh mr71 tuner, a jolida jd 100 (modded) CDP and a rega planar 2 TT...with a pair of vandersteen 3 speakers.

i live in an old (1870's) building, in an apartment. considering the state of the hodge-podge electrical system we have here, i'm sure what ever is reaching my apartment is petty darn dirty and inconsistent.

i have been considering a power conditioner or regulator but it's hard to figure on what to buy...i have heard and read so many different opinions about what to use with what...and don't have a whole lot of money to spend...i really need to maximize my bang-for-the-bucks. i was looking at the powervar units that someone has been posting here on A-gon...but honestly, i have no idea which way to go...

anyone have any suggestions?

Showing 1 response by tommycosmo

hi, thanks for the response...

sounds like a couple of the ps audio powerport outlets might be in order right off the bat...and maybe the ps audio duet will be something to consider as well...

i have heard that there might be power limitations at the amps...maybe the amps i will run through the ps audio powerports, and the duet also. everything else could run through a powervar unit or some similar power "conditioner". a friend who is setting up a recording studio in his home was showing me his commercial sound catalog...several options there, some monster brand gear and a couple other manufacturers, all of whom had pieces in the 300-500 dollar range, on up.

remember i'm not running anything too high-tech, or complex...no video, or anything too modern... just a two channel stereo set up...since i only occupy a small portion of my building, on the second floor, i don't have access to any of the 220, which is limited here anyhow. probably rich's suggestion to call the powervar guy and talk to him for input is where i will start. i'll let you all know what he says and how i make out.