powervar power conditioners

hi, all.
i have two quicksilver m-80 amps, a ps audio ps III phono preamp and linear control center at the heart of my system, along with a mcintosh mr71 tuner, a jolida jd 100 (modded) CDP and a rega planar 2 TT...with a pair of vandersteen 3 speakers.

i live in an old (1870's) building, in an apartment. considering the state of the hodge-podge electrical system we have here, i'm sure what ever is reaching my apartment is petty darn dirty and inconsistent.

i have been considering a power conditioner or regulator but it's hard to figure on what to buy...i have heard and read so many different opinions about what to use with what...and don't have a whole lot of money to spend...i really need to maximize my bang-for-the-bucks. i was looking at the powervar units that someone has been posting here on A-gon...but honestly, i have no idea which way to go...

anyone have any suggestions?

Showing 2 responses by pdn

I too have been studying and reading about power conditioners since I feel that could be my next upgrade. Yes the information out there can be confusing and conflicting. I'm looking at the Rotel RLC-1040 which sells for $500.00. That is THE most I will go for anything in this category. I already have PSAudio powerports and Wiremold hospital outlet extenders but the summer is coming and that is when I find it the most challenging to hear great sound. Part of this has to do with the days being longer but also many many air conditioners are cranking all evening both here at home and the neighborhood. I'm going to visit one of my high end audio stores shortly and discuss this with them.

Do you have PSAudio power ports in your walls supplying your audio equipment? If not, that has to be the first step before any other conditioners are installed. Why draw current through a cheap $2.00 electrical outlet from Home Depot?
I just purchased a PSAudio "Duet" Power Center today and will let all of you know how I find it over the coming months. Have my Rotel A-V receiver and CD player connetected to it. There is about a 100 hour break in period. While it's not considered a full blown power reconditioner, for $300.00 it does clean and regulate the incoming A/C power plus protects against surges. It's designed to produce a more open spacious "you are there" audio sound. I can hear more detail already tonight playing some Najee, Lee Ritenour, and Norman Brown smooth jazz. Check out the video on the Duet and Quintet from PSAudio at their website.