Powercords for Canary Monoblock Preamplifiers

OK gang. Thus far, you have never let me down. I need a recommendation on powercords that can be purchased (two of them) for under 500 dollars. I just laid down some heavy change for Canary monoblack CA-160 tube monoblock amplifiers and the Canary monblock tubed 903 preamplifier. I am looking for any recommendations regarding the best powercable for the money at this price point. I have some Morrow Audio powercables in another system that I like. I also have some LAT international powercables in a system but their prices have just gone up too much for me.

So I need some help here. The powercables will either be plugged into a Balanced Power Technologies power conditioner or directly into high quality audio outlets.

I am thoroughly disguisted at the cost of powercables; I know I won't get state of the art performance but I want the best I can get for the money. I am a realist.....
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Showing 2 responses by jaymark

Sidssp - I have not run stock power cords on anything because, big surprise, I am looking for better performance.

I haven't bought any in a while; last time was when Lessloss had a sale for about $299. I have sticker shock looking at the prices now.

Clio09 and Thorman, thanks for your suggestions. I will look into them.
Sidssp - I can still hear a difference at 52 years old. maybe in a few years I won't be able to and I can unload my stash of power cords over three two channel systems for a bundle of cash. Nevertheless, I am not going to pay much over 250 - 300 dollars per cord. I'll get the best bang for the buck below this price point and forego all incremental benefits above it.