Power - where to start? Mains, chords, conditioner, filter?

I have a decent HiFi setup with all power cables as delivered by the manufacturer of the unit. I am contemplating upgrading the power infrastructure, but is a confused where to start? What makes the biggest bang for the buck? Power chords to each unit, mains blocks, mains conditioner, mains filter? Any advice before I move into this world? 

I have a streamer from Innuos being used for Tidal and Internet radio. A DAC from RME and an integration amplifier from Musical Fidelity. 

I live in a flat in a capital and the electricity is probably good, but for sure the SQ is better late evenings, which to some extent is leading me down this route. 

Showing 1 response by lak

In my opinion, the place to begin is with one or better yet two dedicated circuits with 20 amp breakers and wire runs of 10 gauge although 12 gauge would work. In addition to that use high-quality AC outlets. Porter Ports sold here on Audiogon by Albert Porter is a good place to start that won't break the bank.
The use of dedicated circuits usually is a big improvement. If you can't have dedicated circuits at least upgrade the outlets if you have not done so yet.