Power Wedge 114 - Voltage Spike Damage

A section of my venerable Power Wedge 114 has apparently been fried by some unprecedented voltage spikes that lasted 4-5 days.  It's only the near-middle "ISO" outlets that are dead.  The other sections are fine.  The slo-blo fuses look good, and I switched them to make sure.  The reset hasn't fixed it.
Thoughts?  Suggestions?

Showing 3 responses by keegiam

Yep I'm ancient and I'm giving out too.  What do I replace it with?  Recommendations are welcomed.
Thanks, I guess it's now an unsafe Power Wedge 112.  ;)
I'll start investigating other options ASAP.  The 114 saved the expensive stuff.  That's why we use these things.
Any advice on a replacement?  Tice?  Panamax?  I'm a listener, not a tech guy.  Thanks!