Power switch for VTL MB125 power swich

I have owned a pair of VTL MB125s for the past 10 years, bought them used, one of the amps power/off and on switch has gone bad and I am need of a replacement switch. I have emailed VTL but as usual they have ignored my request and when I call and actually get someone (SHE) they tell you to put the request in an email and then they ignore that as well. I have also emailed a couple of VTL dealers and hopefully that will prove to be fruitful but in the mean time am wondering if anyone can help me source this switch and am wondering if this type of switch would lend itself to a good cleaning with a good contact cleaner? Thanks guys for any info and help. Toobkue


Showing 1 response by theduker

I got the part number off of the part and found one on ebay.  maybe try digikey?

I know VTL wants to help, give them another email and Im sure they will be there for you.