Power Supply for Schiit Mani Phono Preamp

I've been reading about linear power supplies and it struck me the Schiit Mani phono preamp that's feeding my Schiit Freya preamp has what appears to be a really cheap power supply.  I wrote to Schiit asking whether a linear power supply would improve dynamics or transparency and they said they didn't know because they had never tried it.

I've got a Well Tempered Refence turntable with a recently rebuilt Lyra Clavis, so I'm starting with a fairly high quality signal.

If linear power supplies dramatically improve streamers, why wouldn't one help a Mani? 

The specs on the current power supply say:  16VAC transformer, regulated +/- 5V rails. Power consumption is 4 watts

If a better power supply would provide a significant improvement, what should I buy?


Showing 3 responses by dougthebiker


What would you consider a good “next step up” from the Mani?  My current system is a Schiit Freya feeding two Shiit Vidars operating as 400W monoblocks with Tekton speakers.
Thanks to everyone for the great input.  I shall never mislabel an AC transformer that sort of looks like a DC power supply again.  I'm certainly no smarter, but definitely more discerning now.
bkeske has convinced me the Swagman transformer is definitely worth a try.
Thanks again.