Power regenerator vs conditioner

If the goal is to improve the sound quality (soundstage, detail, dynamics, etc) and the issue is "noisy" AC, it would seem to me that a power regenerator such as PS Audio P15 would be far superior to a "conditioner" such as a Shunyata Denali or Hydra or Triton.  Is this correct?  Thanks .

Showing 1 response by bikerbw

Keep an eye on the Audio Science Review YouTube postings; Amir has a Power Plant that he will be evaluating. I would throw out there the idea that if your equipment doesn’t already filter out the badness and allow for minor drops and spikes in power by design (and most equipment does, because companies know that AC power is/can be dirty and don’t want returns for that reason), you probably need better equipment. And if your line takes a direct or nearby lightning hit, your equipment is toast no matter what you have it running through.

Oh, and something else to mention: if you worship at the AudioQuest/PS Audio altar you won’t be happy with what he has concluded about ANY of their products.