Power for Audio Physics Virgo speakers

How much and what brands of amps sound good with these speakers?
i bought my Virgos based on five minutes that my brother and i spent with a pair at a Stereophile show a few years back in Los(t) Angeles. they were paired with Rowland electronics but i don't remember the cd source or cables used. all i know is that we sat in a very small room on two chairs that you probabaly would find only find in a high school auditorium (i.e. spartan and uncomfortable) and proceeded to be blown away. the speakers were probably no more than three to five feet away from us and produced a magical sound that very, very few audio salon demos i've heard have come closed to matching, much less exceeded. the sound was absolutely pure. it wasn't until last year that i came up with the scratch to purchase the Virgos and i am going to mate them soon with symphonic line tube pre-amplification and SL s/s amps. i'm excited to hear what the combination sounds like as i understand Herr Rolf of Symphonic Line voices his products using the Virgos. Good luck in your quest.

Cbe, the Avantis go lower, and give more of a sense of volume/weight to instruments -- also closer, IMO, to natural sound when properly set up. So, better. Also more expensive. The new Avantis are easier to drive well than previous models, i.e., to get the best out of them without "euphonic" brightness.

The Virgo is a well balanced speaker, however, and a system that rocks with it will not necessarily do so with the bigger (+more demanding) Avantis. Considerations: amplification (speed & current), room-size.. to name a few.

This being said, I auditioned the NEW Avantis at the local dealer, not at home; amplification was S-Line that matches very well, as Gregg notes above.
Conclusion: if U read this, pls remember my limited exposure to this gear. It could very well boost the magic in your system... but then again, the Virgo is a great speaker IMO.
Good luck!