Power Cords Snake Oil ??

Having been a long time audiophile living with countless high end compnents I have to wonder about the theory and practicality of high end power cords.

I have yet to hear the difference a power cord makes. Ive owned, synergistic, Shunyata, BMI and cardas. I in no way can detect any sonic signature or change. Give me a pair of interconnects and I imeadiately notice a difference somewhere in the sonic spectrum. Not the PC though. I have accomplished 4 blind tests with my friends. 3 out of the 4 they did not know their cord was replaced. All 4 were using a stock factory supplied cord. Each of the 4 tests were done on different components. Amp, CDP, Preamp & dac.

My electrical backround tells me that provided you supply the component with its required voltage bet 110vac or 220/240vac its happy. Now, change the incoming frequency from 60hz to say 53hz and watch how quickly your soundstage collapses.! This is often the case during the summer months when home air conditioners are in use and the utility company power output is taxed to the max. A really good power conditioner should however take care of the frequency fluctuations. But 110vac is still 110vac regardless of the conductor it passes through as long as its remains 110vac when it reaches the intended circuit. Does your 8k amp or preamp know the difference of the path the voltage took to reach it ? Many an audiophile will use a dedicated 20amp circut for their equipment.That is a good idea as voltage & frequency fluctuations will occur in the home circuit to to other loads on the main breaker panel but again, A power cord simply is the means of transporting the voltage from the wall to the component. IF there is a clean 110vac @ 60hz at the wall socket, no matter what the medium is to go from the socket to the component, it will still be 110vac @60hz.

Could somebody expand on this a bit more. I just dont understand it. ??

Showing 1 response by holygrailaudio-old

Boy did you open a big can of worms.

I have found that there are some circumstances that does make it harder to hear the differences in power cords, the main one being that the better the interconnects and speaker cords are the more of the subtle detail changes you'll hear from power cords. I always recommend that the i/c's and speaker wire be brought into high form before spending money on power cords.

I apparently have a system component list that does a very good job of displaying differences because I certainly get customers spending a lot of time listening to just the difference a power cord makes. It is never a question of is the difference there, only is it worth the extra money. There are many pricey power cords that to me cause detrimental effects to the character of the sound so perhaps you have a couple of problems. You may need better interconnects and speaker wire, and you may not have some of the best recognized power cords.

I sold over 30 $1500 Kaptovators in one year, all with a money back guarantee, I never took one back except where they wanted to trade it toward a $3500 Aluminata.

There are simply too many reviewers working for mags that base their philosophy on only showcasing worthwhile (read good value) products that swear by power cords. I personally say that when your system is in fine synergy there is no other upgrade that offers better performance to dollars spent ratio. Because you can't hear it doesn't mean it doesn't exist.

By the way, when Joe at JPS first suggested I try his $1500 power cord my response was to say get the #%^ out of here! There was no way I could justify that kind of money. I tried one on a Belles 150-A hotrod and sat there with my jaw hanging open. I then showed it to a customer buying the 150-A and he bought one!