Power Cords - Pixie Dust?

As an audiophile I am always prepared to believe that almost anything can make a difference in the sound. But this one makes me wonder. I have a TNT MKV with JMW 12.5 arm. The stand alone motor turns, via a belt, a flywheel that turns, via another belt, the platter.

I have seen an add claiming that replacing the power cord between the SDS speed controller and the stand alone motor can improved the sound of the table, "increasing upper range resolution and sweetness" or some such thing.

I suppose I can see how a new power cord might be argued to improve speed stability, but for the life of me how can a special power cord improve "resolution and sweetness", when the only function of the motor is to spin a belt, that turns a flywheel that spins another belt that turns the platter?? Does this claim make any sense?

Showing 5 responses by bob_bundus

Acoustic Sounds' catalog had a special AC cord for use in the turntable motor application; it's about $300, I think, (if even available anymore - I don't see it one their website?). I'm about as incredulous as you about this one Jack, but then again they just might know what they're doing?
I didn't buy into the AC cord hype for quite awhile, but once I finally tried it & realized the actual audible improvements, I'm now into it bigtime. But for a motor??? I think I'm gonna try out one of my lower-cost presently-unused upgrade cords first. If that works then I just might even bite?
Is this special cord used only between the SDS & the motor? What about between the line source & the SDS?
Guess the Pixie thang & AA was just a joke? Cause I don't see no such thang (what a sucker - I actually looked!).
OK Dave sounds good - but I'm only going for it if it's that new cryo'd dust & then burned in on a cooker for 25 years or so...
thanks Jack that's the one!
now who has actually tried this? HDM & Bob Crump apparently have. Others opinions re: "placebo effect" are obviously just that & are worth exactly what you paid for it. If you have tried this to no positive effect, then that's useful information. If you have tried this to positive effect, then that's also useful information. If you haven't tried it then you have no business publishing pure conjecture because you don't know one way or the other. I'm gonna try it when I get an SDS & will keep an open mind. Whether it does or doesn't do anything for me, that's just one situation & you won't necessarily experience the same result. All systems are different; synergy is the differentiating factor. There are NO absolutes in this hobby.
DM & Shasta thank you for the reports - very interesting. Just to be clear I am not trying to disbelieve nor to believe this phenomenon - I still maintain an open mind about it. I also realize that your results may not be the same as mine would be (could be better, worse, or no difference at all). I also have the MKIV, but without a SAMA. I do have the upgrade TNT bearing & platter. Was considering buying a SAMA but read reports that it wasn't worth the $400 price of admission, which VPI won't discount. (The probability of finding a cheaper used SAMA is doubtful; once installed no one is gonna remove to sell it separately). Maybe some VPI dealer like Zhusein might give me a decent break though?
Anyway the SAMA may be worthwhile my adding anyway, especially to allow the capability of changing the AC cord. Might be able to retrofit an IEC to my existing motor assy if there's some room, but hey, this is a really good excuse to justify the SAMA upgrade. So why not?
I now have an SDS on the way. I also have a Top Gun Special sitting here unused at the moment so I'll begin there. Will try out some others too, but I don't anticipate any miracles.
DM we're not actually stuck with that chintsy factory line cord if we simply replace/hardwire in a better one. Sounds like another possible good option to try. Even HDM's report of the upgrade AC plug alone demonstrates some promise.
Not sure, but I assume that Bruce's remark re: AudioAero is off topic re: E.Meunier's DIY cords.
so... some report no difference at all, while others report significant differences. Must be another one of those system-dependent & synergy-related issues? Can't help but wonder, why such contrasting variability?