Power Cords: A Skeptic Looking to Dabble...

Even though I am generally a skeptic when it comes to a lot of audiophile related things, I am curious enough to consider dabbling a bit in the coming months.

Here's my current system for reference:

(1) APC H15 Power Conditioner
(2) Pioneer Elite PD-D6-J SACD player
(3) Blue Jeans Cable LC-1 interconnect (6 feet)
(4) Yaqin MC-30L integrated amplifier (EL34 tube)
(5) Blue Jeans Cable Belden 5000 Series 10 AWG 5T00UP (7 feet)
(6) Focal 836v speakers

The SACD player and amplifier are plugged into the power conditioner (used primarily for surge protection) and all equipment is using the stock cords. The power cord on the power conditioner is a beast compared to everything else in the system.

I would be looking for recommendations new or used in the sub-$150 price range.

Is it reasonable to assume that a power cord could make a difference in my system at this price point? If so, which ones should I be considering? Also, please provide any reasoning and experience that you have with any recommendation.

Showing 4 responses by foster_9

My advice is to forget about Pangea. I've had the AC9 for
years and on every piece I've tried it on, it ended up being
removed and left laying somewhere. For mids and highs it's
barely ok, and for bass a let down. I suggest in your price
range, the Wireworld Stratus which is entry level and less
than $100. You may be able to find one on a 30 day trial,
which for any cable is preferable.
You are getting plenty of suggestions with no way to know what to do, so try to buy cables with a return policy.
One key thing about "listening" to changes brought on by inserting different power cords in a resolving system: when you first connect a power cord, the sound of the system will change over time, and it will change several times. The changes in sound can be subtle or more pronounced. This is the "break in" process. After trying many aftermarket power cords on different components over the years, this is my experience. If you're simply trying power cords for a few hours and then removing them, you will not hear the final sound of the system. Again, this is my experience. It may not be your experience. For me, the terms "settling in" and "breaking in" of cables exists. In my opinion, you cannot properly judge a power cord's affect until quite a few hours and days have occurred with that power cord connected. Or, you can run a new power cord connected to some other device (ie. refrigerator, computer, humidifier) before inserting it in your system to break it in. (also called "burn in.") Anymore, I typically don't have the patience for this and simply connect a new power cord to the component and play the system.
Banquo- I have often taken notes when trying out power cords on a new (used) piece. I have about 6 power cords not in use and upon getting new gear I may use 4 or 5 of them trying to find a good match. I rarely buy new power cords. Mceljo, it comes down to knowing the sound of your system, recordings, and room very well and then you are not just depending on your memory to know what a power cord change is doing to the sound.