Power cord upgrade on your Jolida JD-100?

After upgrading the stock tubes, it seems that the next most popular tweak or upgrade on the Jolida JD-100 is the power cord. I was just wondering what power cords current and past owners are using or have tried and their impressions on each?

I have a stock unit arriving soon and I'm eager to start some tube rolling and a PC upgrade.
If you get the Flavor 4, I'm sure Chris will warn you about the long burn in period. I have a couple pc burn in adapters, one of them I bought from Chris. They're a must-have for most audiophiles. I had 2 Flavor 4's daisy-chained on a dehumidifier for weeks before doing critical listening. Burning in that way requires much patience however, but his 60 day trial is unbeatable.
I tried the Flavor 4 on my McIntosh integrated and it did not outperform my JPS AC+ cord. But pc's like most everything are system dependent. I've read great reviews by others on this board and at Audioasylum about what the Flavor 4 can do with amplifiers and cdps etc. It seems to be a versatile cord. I would try it out with amps and cdps etc.
Flavor 4 has been ordered (can't go wrong with a 60 day trial). I will post my impressions once I've had a chance to burn-in and audition. Thanks for everyone's input.