Power cord upgrade

Just purchased a Wadia 860x Cd player, would like to upgrade the power cord. Any Sugestions? Thanks

Showing 1 response by jaguar

I truly feel sad for anyone that cannot hear a significant upgrade in bass response, imaging, focus and detail when a quality power cord is introduced into their system. The ONLY thing I can possibly think is that the power cord that they are trying is not a Shunyata PowerSnake. I truly mean this statement! EVERY audiophile that has listened to these cords in and out of my system is surprised of the improvements. I have let a few of them try them in their own homes and in EVERY case they either have purchased or are going to purchase one or more of these cords. They can take a "B" class rating and upgrade the components sound so substantially, it could be re-reviewed to be an "A". Each and every one of us in the Audiogon obviously are passionate about music. If these power cords did not make that much difference, I certainly would not have purchased a PowerSnake for each and every component. No, I don't have "superwiring" behind my walls either but these cords are killer! Warning: To try is to buy!