Power cord to add ease and tame treble.

My system comprise of a Ayre CX7; Hovland HP100; Pass X150.5 and JMLab Diva Be. All IC are Cardas GoldRef, SC are Ridge St Poeima. The IC & SC were chosen after extensive in home comparo.

The sys sound pretty good but there is slight brightness, nervousness at the treble. The resolution is excellent. I have tried trivista DAC which warmed up the sound but lost sig. detail, front to back spatial clues. A friend's Cary 303/100 fits in between and is quite nice. Is there a way to tame the treble while preserving the details & reolution using a power cord?

Showing 1 response by stehno

As Big_Kidz and The Psychic allured, you may very well be hearing what noisy untreated AC does to the sonics when the lines are not properly conditioned. But of course, everybody using electricity has dirty/noisy AC.

If you do not have dedicated circuits/lines, then you are also probably getting a double-dose of dirty AC since your digital source would be injecting much digital noise back into the AC (supposedly digital noise is bi-directional) and may very well be carrying over to the amp and/or preamp.

Even if you already have dedicated circuits/lines but no proper line conditioning, you still have AC noise coming into the house and the digital noise will still make it's way back to the service panel and then into your other components from there.

Lastly, I'm not familiar with the sonics of the interconnects or speaker cables you mention. But there are some to many otherwise decent ics and speaker cables that actually induce much grain and hash. So common is it, that this grain and hash is often times mistaken for digital hash from inferior cd recordings.

Other ics and speaker cables will minimize or eliminate this grain or hash leaving you with a much lowered noise-floor and a very pristine, articulate, and significantly improved musical presentation.