Power cord to add ease and tame treble.

My system comprise of a Ayre CX7; Hovland HP100; Pass X150.5 and JMLab Diva Be. All IC are Cardas GoldRef, SC are Ridge St Poeima. The IC & SC were chosen after extensive in home comparo.

The sys sound pretty good but there is slight brightness, nervousness at the treble. The resolution is excellent. I have tried trivista DAC which warmed up the sound but lost sig. detail, front to back spatial clues. A friend's Cary 303/100 fits in between and is quite nice. Is there a way to tame the treble while preserving the details & reolution using a power cord?

Showing 3 responses by glai

You guys are absolutely right. With the PS audio P300, i'm right where i want it ( at least for now ).

Why does dirty AC affect the treble more than other frequencies?
Thanks for your posts, guys. I mean it.

Mike in NC. No room treatment. Room has heavy curtains both side wall with couch & heavy rug on wood floor. I am happy with the midrange & base balance now. Room treatment has more effect on low midrange + base?

JMCgrogan. The ridge st. cable was no brighter than Au24, Kimber 3033, which are slightly warm. I really like this cable as it adds a lot of focus and front to back layering to the speakers. The diva be has silver-copper wiring so may have some synergy with silver speaker cables. ( Copper would do too if that is the logic.)

Bigkidz. Nice to hear from you. Its is a dedicated circuit that are shared with a few lights in living room which I turn off. Friend can bring a PS audio P300. Would give it a try.

Jond. Had cx-7 into pass x1 both xlr & rca. No sig. diff for me.

Tried the toe in & out. No fix there.

Guess i should try power conditioner or wolff pc or harmonix pc.

Bigkidz, may be i need an Audiologic MXL DAC.

Thanks guys
JMCgrogan. I have not tried the golden ref speaker cables. How do they sound?

There is nothing betw the speakers. There is a fireplace and i am not allowed (family) to put cloth on the front wall.

What constitue proper AC filtration?

Thanks guys. Special Stehno & bigkidz.

Bigkidz, I will definitely try your method. Not much to lose.