Power Cord Revelation

Help me understand. I just upgraded my Rega Saturn stock power cord with a VH Audio Airsine. My God!!! I'm still shaking my head in amazement. I'm now a believer that the PC is the most important cable, starting with the source component.

Showing 2 responses by mootsdude

Does anyone have an explanation for how a single power cord can transform the sound of an entire system? This defies logic for me. I've focused on what I consider crucial areas to build a good sounding audio system - well designed components, acoustical treatments, resonance control, dedicated power lines, and a balanced power conditioner. I wasn't prepared for the results that I'm hearing from this new power cord. Are there any quantum physicists that can explain or do we just have to accept it as one of natures unexplained mysteries?
Jylee - Interesting story. I guess the thing that makes me a believer is I've been piecing my audio system together for the past five years. I've done this in a very logical way, starting at the source and moving downstream. Over the years my ability to hear small changes has gotten much better. Some of the tweaks have had minimal impact on the sound. I've learned not to expect much change, just fine tuning and subtleties. Sometimes the change is so subtle that I question whether it even exists.

My guess is that tweaks and system changes can be synergistically applied and may have an exponentially cumulative effect. In other words, you may have a "bottle neck" somewhere that is inhibiting the audio system. Once the kink in the system is addressed, other tweaks may reach their full potential. This could explain why one single change (power cord) can transform the sound of the entire system.

Is there any scientific merit to my assumption?