Power Cord Revelation

Help me understand. I just upgraded my Rega Saturn stock power cord with a VH Audio Airsine. My God!!! I'm still shaking my head in amazement. I'm now a believer that the PC is the most important cable, starting with the source component.

Showing 3 responses by joeyboynj

I found the biggest differences are on the source, preamp and power conditioner. Different power cords on my amp has a little effect on my system. The PC for amp is the last PC cable to get to fine turn the improvements on the other components.
Tboooe, The Fusion Audio power cable (Enchanter) is full-bodied, organic and liquid in the midrange. I'm getting the Synergistic Tesla T2, T3 and Precision AC power cords from The Cable Company and going to do a comparison.
I currently have the Synergistic power cords and Fusion Audio power cords on demo.

The Precision AC beat the Fusion Audio Enchanter in my system on my power regenerator. But what I liked about the Enchanter is its liquid midrange and organic nature.

Everyone that is trying Fusion must try the Synergistic power cords as well. I borrowed them from The Cable Company. All the hype is right, these power cords are revolutionary!!!