Power cord length

I upgraded all my power cords to Nordost Red Dawn. My cabinet sits directly in front of outlets. I have McIntosh MC830 monoblocks. Originally I purchased 2m lengths but don't like all the extra cord clutter so purchased a 1m length for left channel amp. After the fact I read Nordost spec sheet which stated minimum length 2m is recommended. Dealer stated "2m works the best for it to really filter". Also, both cords must be same length for "time alignment"; when using monoblocks "different length wires will sound slightly different". I am thinking to buy another 1m for right channel to solve timing thing and additional clutter cleanup. Ok, that's my situation- I am requesting explanations/opinions/knowledge/recommendations-  I read a similar post awhile back and  seek additional clarification. Thank you.


Showing 2 responses by holmz

I am requesting explanations/opinions/knowledge/recommendations

Well the speed of light is 300 million meters per second, or 1 nano second/foot.. so a 6 foot cord will be maybe 10-15 nanoseconds depending on the insulation.

I cannot imagine much of an effect to timing would happen… the outlets in the wall are usually on the same piece of wire and no one few claim to hear that.

I think they are having you on.

I made all of my power cords to length with Furutech components. The cords to my mono blocks are different lengths and I cannot tell any difference. I was trying to cut down on cord clutter behind my racks

^this makes sense^


OK, "Just for clarification."

Most here seem to believe that keeping the (Speaker cabling), the same length makes sense. "Time alignment".

Me too.

Most us?

The reason to keep the speaker cords the same length has nothing to do with “Time Alignment”, and if it did there would be many HT systems that would suffer.

The reason to keep them the same length is because the current on the speaker side is higher, and any capacitance or inductance makes the cable a filter, and we do not want a different filter on the left than the right.


At least I think that would be “most of us”.