Power cord from absolue créations -TIM reference

Help please ..!..i was told to go for the best but not without your advice.so here is my question has anyone of you heard of pcord from absolue creations it´s said to be as good or even better than ARGENTO fmr and david elrod gold reference at the at 1/4 of the price ... it retails 1200€ am planning to get one for a try and will let you know probable next week.in meanwile you CAN still give your pview.regards.

Showing 4 responses by chahed

Hi himiguel..!..where you lucky to Hear it or had à try..?..if so did you use it for the amp or préambule or sources..? Is there any comparaison with others manufacturers..?..it´s not Easy to find have to wait at least à week to have it for demo i was told..!!.. Thx
It´s an an amazing pcord ,very Silent i could hear à silky High frequency eventhough it had only few hours on it ,it was not completly brocken up the Sound was less transparent than the Jps aluminata pcord but very zen Sound and better détailled bass was better articuleted big image and deeper Sound stage more focus not à single Time the Sound was agressif just seat and relax.. I am wondring How would have Been the Sound if This pcord was brockeen up...!!..but only time can tell with this new pcord from this manufacturer...Hope That CAN help..thxy
hello boeng..|..actualy i did not have enaugh time to comper with other pcords as i have had it only for short week end but from what i have heard it is an honest pcod and the best way is to try it with your equipement .hope that help.thx
Sorry let me just correct the price it retails 2800€ for Their flagship it ´s called TIM référence from ABSOLUE CRÉATIONS so i dare say 1/2 the price.Thx.