Power Cord for Power Conditioner

I'm trying to figure out if it is absolutely necessary to use a company's power cord with their power conditioners. No brand in particular.Any help would be appreciated.
thanks in advance,

Showing 9 responses by bradluke0

Hi all ! Hate to sound a little harsh here...but anyone who cant hear a change in powercords is wasting their money. I would recommend they go buy an all-in-one system and cut their losses . Btw , I live in the Tampa Bay area...any nay sayers can PM me and I can prove it. (just dont ask WHY IT WORKS , I dont know) brad
Hi all ! A few things are certain , cables sound different when the direction is changed . Cables sound different with elevators and with different elevator spacing (due to string resonance ). I you cant hear this then it does not matter what methods are used . Sorry for being so blunt but I am quite tired of hearing about how wires dont have a sound . Many of us can hear it and many of us cant , just the way it us .
Hi all ! lots of great input here , we all dont have to agree ! To me , listening is a learned skill . Think of it this way...ever seen the show Chasing Classic Cars ? The dude looks at different cars and he sees things we dont see . Steering wheel not original , flaws in paint , etc . He is seeing stuff we would never see ( or notice ). Listening is the same , it is a learned skill , just like anything else . There was a time when I could not hear the difference between Linn and Rotel CD players . I was listening to the highs , the lows , etc . Finally the sales guys says " dont worry about that stuff ..how does the music FEEL ? Learned a lot that day !
Hi all ! I gotta kinda disagree here a little Jeff . I think some do "trick" themselves into hearing improvements . Once you have gained the experience on how to listen there is no "tricking". Like they say.....it either is or it aint .
Hi all ! Well said ,Lacee . I do trust my ears very ,very much . There used to be a time when I trusted what other people said more than what my own ears heard . Just last night I was changing power cords on my cd player . I took out a #4 Vansevers cord and put in a silver LAT CORD . The Vansevers cord makes my system as dark as night , the LAT cord adds sparkle to the top end that is quite strong . Do I think I hear this difference ? NO WAY ....the difference is clear , even to my girlfriend .
Hi all ! Well said once again , Lacee . I have stopped wondering much about how any component sounds ,especially amplifiers . I can pretty much make it sound anyway I want it to with cords and feet , etc . I still find it pretty amazing guys spend all this money on components and can't hear the difference a power cord makes , then they argue and call it snake oil.
Hi all ! It does also make the component tunable .Many owners manuals talk about replacing the stock cord with an aftermarket cord . Hint : It isnt because the component manufacturers and the cable manufacturers are sleeping together .
Hi all ! Lacee , you have made a great effort to convince Jeff that power cords change the sound . If he cannot hear it , he cannot hear it. I was buying some tubes the other day from an old radio collector , he assured me that all tubes sound the same . I paid my $20 , thanked him for the tubes and hit the door. Arguing with them is a waste of time .
Hi all ! Lacee : I agree 100 % with you . The same guys who cant hear the diff a power cord makes start with the same insults....or my favorite " if you cant measure it , it cant be true" Those comments make me want to pee in my pants they are so funny .