Power Cord for DAC

I am looking for a power cord to use with a Bricasti DAC.  Looking for good tone and timbre and a slightly dark sound.  

Price range 1000-1500.

Candidates thus far: Zenwave Audio, Purist Audio and Kimber Kable.

Any ( constructive ) suggestions would be appreciated.

Happy Memorial Day to all.



I have Wywire Platinum Digital Power cords on my DAC and Pre amp  I think they are in your price range.

Providing advise on selecting brand or model of a power, or any cable for that matter, is nigh on impossible. However, from my experience, it is worth you doing some research into the cable engineering philosophy of various companies and find a manufacturer that provides you with some confidence.

In my case, I have the a full suite of cables from a single, small cable builder who worked on military aircraft communications and earthing systems. I was fortunate to be able to hear a system with his cables used throughout and with most of the hi-fi separate components that I have. This listening experience made my decision to go with one designer/manufacturer for all my cables and I have not changed any of them in 6 years.

Hope this makes sense and in a small way helps you to use your own judgement.