Power Cord For Audio Research gear

Hi folks........I just purchased an Audio Research LS25 and PH3 SE......any suggestions from you all as to the best power cord for them????


Showing 3 responses by ontario

Well stevemj i have tried power cords stock to transparent super power cord and u can hear a difference. this is on expensive equipment. seems that what ever u do in high end audio it affects the sound, ie@ audio point, racks,sorbane feet, mipingo dots, tube dampers, red rollers , audioquest rf stoppers the list is endless.

So the question is when a manufacturer is testing his prototype amp does he use all these accessories , probably not. So if someone want to spend money for accessories then so be it.I bought power cords not really necessary but they did seem to improve the sound what ever that is?
This whole game of high end sound is so arbitrary because there is no right or wrong, if u like the sound that is what is most important.
If one is not careful the will get caught in the high end spiral of buying and selling my advice to anyone is buy from mainstream manufactures whether elctronics or cables.mixing and matching is for reviewers not consumers
hey stevemj since u r such an expert on all aspects of audio tell use what your insight has done in your selection of superior equipment so u dont waste money on fads and advertising of manufactures. What do u own??????
I have talked to enginers about power cords and speaker cable and they too are as puzzled as the rest of us about the differences that can be heard from idosyncrisesof each particular item!!!!!!!
P.S. u never did list your system for us all
Good listening stevemj