Power Cord For Audio Research gear

Hi folks........I just purchased an Audio Research LS25 and PH3 SE......any suggestions from you all as to the best power cord for them????


Showing 10 responses by no_money

By the way Steve, this really is the last post on this one. It's getting way too long. Maybe you can find someone else to debate for a while. Thanks.
Steve, if all that matters is the #'s then you shouldn't even have to audition equipment. Just get the white papers, read, and buy. Pretty easy that way. Some of us more egotistical morons prefer to actualy LISTEN to the equipment we buy. I will gladly stay in that camp thanks....
Gmorris, Thanks, I try to look at things from both sides if possible. But sometimes will still snap off a reply that I might shouldn't have in the moment of anger. I think it would help to know what he is listening on. If I had been here back in my Yamaha reciever/ cd player days preaching that cables didn't matter.... well then you would know why. Not that it was a bad system, just mid-fi though and tweaks or cableing didn't matter so much on it.
Gmorris, on a related note, the Transparent balanced I got last week is finally starting to break in. ( yes steve, I know there is no such thing as break in ) It is sounding sooooo good right now, but the bill has not arrived yet!
Not in the high end business any more? Don't know how your product sounded but I am sure the Spec. sheet was immaculate.
Steve, I don't have phono section, sorry. I can't reverse the balanced set of Transparent. In the not so distant past I accidently hooked up a set backwards ( network at source ) and it didn't sound right. Listened for an hour before finding what the heck was going on. I thought it was just cable that needed to be broken in until I investigated. Maybe it was because of the whole network thing that it was so obvious? Haven't tried it on non-networked cables. Steve, I think it might benefit you to at least list what components you like? own? feel do make a difference? It is hard to make a point if no one knows what your preferences are when it comes to audio.
Sure I do Steve, but just barely. I don't see how that matters though. Do I need to know how the combustion engine works to choose the car I like? I don't think I will ever know the theory that you do and I am sure you worked really hard getting there. But I can't ignore what I hear no more than you can not ignore the numbers. So why don't we get to gear that you do like? You would be more likely to win over someone if they at least agreed with you on some other aspect of audio.
Steve, the issue is done. I know what I hear and I know I like it. Case closed. Apparantly you just want a debate. I have an idea...... Lets debate SOMETHING ELSE. Maybe some other gear you like? Even if you don't have any gear just make it up. The folks that also have that brand of equipment will at least agree with you there and maybe you can win them over to the dark side then? I thought you knew all about this psychology thing?
Oh yea, Why would my comment to Gmorris about cable justify negative votes? It was not directed at either of you guys and was carried over from a related thread. I am surprised at some folks being able to make the kind of money to purchase these items,(but then again,the only thing I know you have puchased is zip cord) but still lacking social skills required to accept others opinions without feeling they are being attacked. Just blanketing my posts on this thread regardless of content just proves what kind of person you are. Is there not another topic you guys would like to contribute to? Is your system only made of cable laying on the ground? Even the cheap stuff sounds a lot better when it is hooked up to something. Hey, I think I figured this one out. I will have to AGREE with you STEVE, ALL CABLES when laying on the ground, not hooked up to anything sound the same.