Power Consumption idle

Is this right? I have a Sim Audio Titan 7ch solid state amp and the specs say the amp uses 75 watts at idle. I am just trying to figure out why my electric bill is so high.

I know having the gear on always, but this aside, can 75 watts keep a 19x12x27 120lbs piece of metal good and warm to the touch? Or could the specs be very misleading.


Showing 2 responses by sufentanil

* amp uses 75W at idle
* amp is idling 24/7
* cost of electricity is $0.14 / kWh (on the high side)

So, per day the amp uses 75W * 24h = 1.8 kWh
On a monthly basis, the cost would be (1.8 kWh / day)(30 days/month)($0.14 / kWh) = $7.56

Of course, if you actually USE the amp and it draws more power, then you will need to factor that in, too.

That bill doesn't make sense. Let's assume that you're using a 15A circuit, so the breaker would fire if the current draw were significantly more than 15A for any reasonable period of time. That means your system draws less than 15A.

Let's further assume that for some (odd) reason your system is drawing 10A (quite a bit), and that it does this 24/7.

At 120V, (10 A)(120 V) = 1200W
(1200 W) (24 hrs/day) = 28.8 kWh / day
(28.8 kWh / day)(30 days/ month)($0.0814 / kWh) = $70.33

This should be an overestimation of what you would expect to pay monthly for the stereo system, since a 10 ampere draw is a lot for most systems.

A $250/month bill doesn't make sense. But then again, I get $50 bills when I am away from home for the entire month, and the only thing plugged is in the refrigerator. I don't trust my apartment building's meters.

I would definitely investigate this further.
