I was born in Feb 1954.
Anyway, I can only speak for myself. I have a while house surge protector and nothing else. I have tried several power devices and none of them have made any difference what so ever in the performance or noise levels of my system. I tendency is to think that you are better off spending the money on better equipment or music. Things that make a real difference assuming you like your loudspeakers and do not want to go heavy on a new pair are better more powerful amplifiers and room control such as the Trinnov ST 2 or Amethyst units. Certainly a pair of sub woofers if you don't have them already.
Most electronic devices already have a very nice power conditioner installed. It is called a power supply.
One of my all time favorite tweaks is the gold plated wall receptacle. To me that is like a pimp with a fake Rolex.
Anyway, I can only speak for myself. I have a while house surge protector and nothing else. I have tried several power devices and none of them have made any difference what so ever in the performance or noise levels of my system. I tendency is to think that you are better off spending the money on better equipment or music. Things that make a real difference assuming you like your loudspeakers and do not want to go heavy on a new pair are better more powerful amplifiers and room control such as the Trinnov ST 2 or Amethyst units. Certainly a pair of sub woofers if you don't have them already.
Most electronic devices already have a very nice power conditioner installed. It is called a power supply.
One of my all time favorite tweaks is the gold plated wall receptacle. To me that is like a pimp with a fake Rolex.