Power Conditioners: Myth, Magic, or Necessary

I own a Granite 860.1 monoblock system which I love.I upgraded the power cords to premium $395.00 models.
I can hear no difference. I bought these upgraded PC's
because I thought I was "supposed to" after reading all the ads and testimonials.

The next logical upgrade for me is a power conditioner.Do these power conditioners actually improve the sound of my system? Or, are they like the "Emperor's New Clothes?" By that, I mean a hype.Are they a tweak for audiophiles obcesssed with perfection?
I am referring to power conditioners in the $500.00 to $1000.00 price range.I live in Riverside, Southern California where the electrical power is as pure and clean as the skies.

Showing 1 response by micheal

Any power conditioner, cable or transformer (like torriadial transformers) that contain ferrite, sound grainy

Most of my customers have sold off their PC's and conditioners.

They can tighten up the sound a small amount but at what cost?
