Power conditioners and amp dynamics???

I know the rule of thumb is to plug one's power amp into the wall outlet, preferably a dedicated line, but in my case, my electrical sytem is very prone to brown outs, black outs, and all manner of power interruptions and surges on a weekly basis (all the power lines in my neighborhood run underground, have insulation that is ancient, and my power is impacted every time it rains). Given this scenario, can you guys give me a short list of power conditioners that would protect my large (125W) solid state power amp from these problems and, to your ears, not restrict dynamics?

Showing 1 response by nrostov

The thing to understand here is that active power conditioners regardless of the make use electronics to clean the power. Invariably they reduce dynamics. You want to use a passive cleaners such as the Shunyata Hydra series. In their case it's just like plugging your gear into the wall except you get power cleaning and surge protection.