Power Conditioners

I have about $5,000 invested in  a 2 channel stereo setup. Marantz PM7000N integrated receiver, Canton Chrono SL596 speakers, Rega P6 table, blue jeans Canare 4S11 cables. Is it worth it to buy a cheap power conditioner/protector like this  https://www.musicdirect.com/power/furman-pst-8-d-digital-power-station or this  https://upscaleaudio.com/collections/power-conditioners/products/pangea-quattro-power-center

Will I be able to hear a difference/is my equipment sensitive enough to notice a difference; or will a typical surge protector suffice? Otherwise, will it be a waste of money to spend money on a low priced conditioner?


Showing 1 response by spenav

Hi ecrotty
Your question is a very sensitive one and if you play your cards right you can be ahead of the game. I happen to have the Furman that you are considering. I also have a Zerosurge ten outlet power surge protector and a Synergistic Research Powercell 12 UEF SE. The best use of your money at this point of time would be to get an electrician run a dedicated line for you with 10 gauge wire  and 20 amp fuse terminated in a good hospital grade outlet. From there you can start testing different power solutions and pick the one that works best for your system.  While you have the electrician, have him install a whole house surge protector for you. Get one on Amazon for less than $200. It takes about 15 minutes to install. The whole job can be done in an hour (dedicated line plus surge).  I hope that helps.