Power Conditioner vs A/C cables

Here's my question...Is it necessary to buy expensive power cables downstream of a high-end power conditioner?
What do they do that hasn't already been done?  As long as you don't go so cheap you degrade the signal.
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Showing 2 responses by oldhvymec

I've had systems that as I added AFTER a good conditioner and master coupler, the system got noisier. AGAIN a buddy and his BIG ol Power cables weren't shielded properly and just screwed the whole system up..

I swap the PCs out for the right kind of cable, everything else became kind of secondary.. I was 45 years old then, I'm 66 now..

Another thing I've noticed in other's systems they use a PC that are WAY to big for the application..  Bigger is actually worse in some applications..

I've notice where it's being used makes a difference AND the quality of the power supply in the piece of gear.

Crap power supplies benefit more from a BETTER construction (filtering) than (for example) a Mac..

DAC, routers, Laptops (not so much),

Phono Stage, Pre Amp, Streamer/Server, Power Amps BIG TIME..

Reel to Reel is still in ? stage for me, cabling is a mystery vs quality..

I just spent two great day in the Barrios listing to street music.. No I ain't sayin where...BUT it wasn't in the US WOW... I never ate so much good food and seen so many masked beauties.. Fantasyland!!!

I never saw anything BUT heavy copper. Serious tight a$$ jammin' going on.. Electrical tape everywhere, chain hook the cable drop it on the gravel.. Good music.. mercy..

Some big IBM mainframes used motor generators.

Motor Generators? 

You mean a Gen Set? A generator with an Engine?

That is the absolute dirtiest source you can have. Nasa has a few clean runners.. BIG cat gen sets.. BUT they are made for power not clean power, none I've worked on anyway.. I was in charge of 3 CAT genset in Vegas at CES in 2003 and 5. The smart vendors figured it out QUICK.

People were putting their fingers in their ears, dirty power.. The casinos didn't have the juice, it was even WORSE..

A few Cooled the Power supply and were very successful in spite of it all.. I was at a Florida show .. EAR PLUGS it was so bad.. Hoody and ear plugs, YUP.. Everybody was bitchin'. Crap power, BOILING highs. Just bad. Could not get any of the Florida booths sounding right..

How important is the power supply? It's a "Elvis has left the building" thing for me... 
