Power conditioner help

Hi All,

 Posting this here since there is no section devoted to power products. I also posted it in the miscellaneous section. 

If you had a choice between PS Audio P10 power plant and a Transparent Powerisolator Reference, which would you choose and why? Both available at reasonable prices, though P10 is still quite a bit more. I have a pretty high end system with a Musical Fidelity NuVista 800 integrated amp, NuVista CD (the new one), Scoutmaster turntable, SDS/ADS, Herron VTPH2, Wilson Sashas, and all Transparent Ref MM2 cables. System sounds great, but my present Powerbank 8 is quite old now, so I want to upgrade it.

Thanks for your opinions.

Showing 37 responses by arsh

Hi Jafant. I have indeed. The Powerisolator Reference. What has been your experience with Transparent PCs? Thanks.
I run my amp into the wall--20A dedicated circuit with Hubbell outlets. I like it better that way. But the other gear sounds better to me into the Powerbank.
Thanks Inna. I can't really try both--I have to pick one without in-home trial. I've upgraded just about everything else significant to my satisfaction. Once I get this done, there's not much I want to do at the moment. 
I did. Aside from saying that power conditioners can make a big difference, he had no experience with these particular units, nor did he recommend any in particular.
Thanks auxinput. That is really helpful.
Inna, I must respectfully disagree. Keith Herron is extremely helpful and always willing to answer questions and give advice when he can. His customer service has been exemplary. 
Thanks auxinput. Have you been able to compare the Hubbell and Furutech outlets? One of the guys at Transparent recommended the Hubbell to me.
Thanks again auxinput. I will read about the Furutech outlets and plugs. I wonder how much the interaction between such things and the components determines the sonic outcome, rather than the outlets/plugs in isolation? I don't find the sound I'm getting now shouts or sterile at all.
Thanks guys. Reynolds853, do you plug your amps into the wall or your Bryston?
Thanks Vuc and herndonb. Vuc, sounds like you have somehow been able to get incredible  deals. What equipment are you connecting to your P10? Amps too?

herndonb, I do like my amp plugged into the wall better than into my PB8. That being said, I have never tried another power conditioner. And thanks for the tip about the surge arrestor. I'm going to do that regardless!
Thanks gdhal. So you have one PC plugged into another one? I have not heard of that before.

The NuVista800 is awesome! Happy to discuss it with you.
Thanks Vic. I do know that the dealer from whom I could buy the P 10 uses my amplifier with a P 10 and, in his opinion, gets very good results. 
I looked at the Wells website. Looks interesting. Thanks. I'd love to demo these at home, but that is not going to be possible. At best I'd have to buy a few and then sell the ones I don't want.
I am learning a lot from all of this. And I started out with what I thought was a simple query. I am researching whole house surge protectors like the Environmental Potentials 2050. Any experience with those sorts of devices? Thanks.
Thanks All. Jay, thanks for the Cable co. Suggestion. Pete, good to know that the Transparent and PS Audio worked ok together. Dentdog and falconquest, I need to educate myself about balanced power.
Thanks mrvordo. Very helpful indeed! I already have a dedicated line, so I'm  covered there. I have decided to go with the PIR and a PCXL too. 
Sorry John. Powerisolator Reference (which comes with a Reference Powerlink MM2x Powercord), and the Powercord XL (or XL Powercord?), which is their newest and best Powercord just below Opus. I'm going to put that on my amp.
Jafant, thanks for your comments. I am also a big fan of Transparent. I have been very happy with all of their products I have owned. Their customer service is excellent; they are very helpful and willing to answer questions. Not only that but they know the technical facets of their products very well (not always the case with some companies I have encountered). When have called them with questions over the years, I usually get to talk with the same people--nice to have consistent contacts.  Definitive Audio in Seattle is a great high-end dealer, and they cable all their best systems (Wilson, ARC, Dagostino, etc) with Transparent. They got me started on Transparent gear years ago. I'm excited to hear what the PIR and XLPC do in my system.
When I call Transparent for information, which has been many times over the years, I have  always gotten very good and clear explanations as well as a excellent customer service and an attitude of being helpful and willing to answer the questions that I have. Try calling and asking to speak to Demos or Josh. 
Herndonb, are you a dealer for Purist? I see you're selling one of those cords.
Thanks again to those who have added additional comments. I am quite happy with the Transparent Powerisolator Reference and XL Powercord. Nice improvement in resolution and noise floor. XLPC still needs quite a bit of break-in, so it should end up even better than it is now.
There is a wealth of information here. Atmasphere, where does get one of these Elgars now?
Thanks Atmasphere, and everyone else as well for a very informative discussion so far. I have a lot of homework to do.
Jafant, yes I am using the PIR with MM2x power cord and an XLPC on my amp. The CDP and phono stage have Ref MM2x power cords also.  The system sounds fantastic, and I am very happy with them, but intrigued with the Elgar. dragon_vibe, how much are you asking for yours?