Power Conditioner Confusion-Help!!

I have a Proceed AVP HT processor; EAD Powermaster 2000 amp, CD,MSB Link DAC, DVD, VCR, Phono, FM, Subs,Vienna Acoustic speakers,JPS Superconductor 2 speaker cables, connected to Monster HTS 2000 power conditioner. I recently cleared up a cable induced power hum by grounding & Mondial M.A.G.I.C. cable filter that I purchased based on the advice I received on this forum (see Troubleshooting Discussions). I am left with a speaker hiss with the EAD only powered up that I'd like to eliminate. Will a power conditioner or line filter do the job. Monster HTS 2000 is not if that is what is needed. I've read the reviews and tech data on Bybee Power Conditioners and Quantum Filters, CinePro 20/30; Tice Power Block III A/B/C; Richard Gray The Power Company, and PS Audio. I'd like to hear your experience and recommendations. Am I wasting my time on these things and need to look elsewhere for a solution? If not, what is the right one to buy. I don't have dealers for these in my area. Thanks for all your good advice.
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Showing 1 response by carl_eber

Power conditioners have nothing to do with lowering hiss (the improvements they make are noticed while music is playing). It's a problem with one of your components or amp...unless your'e only hearing it when you put your ear up against the tweeter. THAT'S ESSENTIALLY UNAVOIDABLE, except with a handful of the best/quietest components. AS FOR CONDITIONERS, the Chang Lightspeed 6400 is the best bang for the buck for line level components. I'm still trying to find what works best with my Krell amp, but I'm closing in on it...