Power Conditioner

Hi everyone, 
I need help here with any suggestion, wich of these 2 Power Conditioner is the best and why? 
-Furman Elite 20PFI
-Furman Elite 15DMI
Do i need both? 
Thank you. 

Showing 3 responses by martin_leger

What about the utility to have both conditioner? 
Also, the swap of the fuses will void the warranty on the equipment? 
Based on what i got from all the posts, this is what i've done :
From the panel, i got a dedicated line with Romex NMB Cable 6/3 wire. Then i bought a SYNERGISTIC Research Blue HC 1.5M Power Cable from the wall to the Furman ELITE-15 PF I, than i bought some decent quality 10 awg power cable for all my equipement plug at the Furman Power Conditioner. Do i miss something?