Power Cable or Power Conditioner?

Right now I am running a AES Signature SuperAmp and AE3 preamp with a Cary 303 100 CDP through B&W CDM7nts. They are all plugged into a 'Tripplite' power conditioner/surge protector. Right now Im not sure if I should start replacing power cables (if so which ones first) or get a new power conditioner. Ideally I would get a mid level Monster Conditioner or if I really stretch a used PS Audio PS-300. (not sure if I can afford this) I would like to spend under 500$ for a conditioner (any suggestions) and I would absolutly refuse to spend more than 100$ on a power cable. (anyone have thoughts on Blue Circle Power Cables they seem reasonably priced and well made?) Long story short..HELP! Someone steer me in the right direction!
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Showing 1 response by whknopp0713

In your price range, the Tice Solo AV is a great product. I would start there and then try some cords as your budget permits, as the cost of three decent cords will add up fast.