Hello: It is my belief that a direct connection (with a quality power cord) to an AC wall outlet is the best method --this is particularly true I feel for power amplifiers. The caveat here is that, ideally we would have 2 or 3 seperate AC lines (on the same electrical phase from the electrical box) in which we could connect our audio equipment. Naturally, some of us (including myself) reside in an apartment with limited AC outlets and questionable AC quality. Which brings me to my suggestion; simply try a power extender strip with detachable AC inlet--(Wireworld electrifier about $50 or PS Audio --$200). Purchase a decent power cord (XLO PL-1500, approx. $150, or Kimber PK-14 also about $150) to connect the outlet strip and then plug all of your components into the power bar-extender starting with the highest power cosumption component first (amplifier), then preamplifier etc. If at all possible, try connecting any digital component into a seperate AC outlet. CD player's/DAC's really do put a lot of noise back into the AC line.
From my experience, power conditioners/surge protectors tend to "soften" the sound too much --impairing transparency, focus, clarity and dynamics.
peter jasz.
From my experience, power conditioners/surge protectors tend to "soften" the sound too much --impairing transparency, focus, clarity and dynamics.
peter jasz.