Power cable from wall socket to power strip


Firstly; yes I believe that cables makes a difference. All cables. I don’t want a discussion with ”non believers”.

I use a power strip (Wireworld Matrix 2) which is connected to the wall socket with a Furutech Empire. But now I need a little longer power cable and I thought; does the power cable from the wall socket to the power strip really matter? I mean, all the way to my wall socket it’s just ordinary wire, so why should the part to the power strip matter. It’s just the last bit to the devices that matters, I’ve been told. Or…?
What are your thoughts about this?


Showing 4 responses by mahgister

A simple experiment to understand why any external modification or perturbation or modification around an electrical field may matter and in some cases be audible as a kind of filters:

Put a 200 grams piece of quartz on your amplifier, then try with a piece of shungite of the same size... Go from one to the other and listen the difference ; it will be a slight degradation or an improvement , if it is neither of the two try and put them together,...

if your amplifier is on the warm side of thing , the quartz may help it..

If your amplifier is on the cold side the shungite may help it...

If your amp is more balanced the two together may also did something helpful...

In any case the goal is to hear a "change" for the worst or the better and then you will know how the world is not as described in your manuals ...

A varied mix of some minerals do marvel for my Sansui alpha who sound as a tube amplifier  to my ears : more fluid and no trace of dryness or shrill or anything making it a S.S. design ... the sound is meatier and i modify it at will... It is like using different cables to my ears...Usually i keep my recipe without changing it because there is more no need to balance it further ...


No sarcasms by empty head will be  needed when someone  dare to suggest a simple experiment a 4 years old can do... 😊


«How about a piece of quartz on my front head as a king ? » Groucho Marx 🤓

«Sound need a medium , the air, but sound is not the medium nor the mere waves in it; sound is a real event from the vibrating sound sources or near two sound sources with qualities, localization and duration; sounds are no more illusion than the rainbow, they reflect our own grasp of the sound source and the sound source effect on us» Anonymus philosopher

I disconneted my conditioner because it is too noisy and it filters and modify the sound quality for the worst... There exist probably better than my Panamax.. I am plugged direct in the wall near the Main electrical panel... Can i improve it ? yes i could with a new wall socket perhaps but the sound quality is already staggering...

My amplifier dated back from 1987 and its power chord is the usual one for the time... I will not change it ...

I dont know if a conditioner will do better... The panamax had good reviews but when i go from speakers to headphone i heard clearly that it introduce noise and distortions...I disconnect it... my headphones are very sensible to the noise floor , i was in the obligation to change even my very good Sansui AU 7700 which i could not fault with my speakers...The Sansui alpha even own a "source direct" button bypassing the tonal controls and the useless circuits from the pre amp stage to the power amp stage.. for less noise... It work well...