Power Cable choices

I've been experimenting with different power cables to upgrade my stock cords. I demo'd a few from the cable co: Wireworld Siver Electra 7, LessLoss Original, and MIT Shotgun AC3. Out of these I liked the LessLoss best for my power amp, which is a class D amp. Since then, I picked up a nice set of older Voodoo power cables for my source equipment and power strip. I am using a Voodoo Mana on a Emotiva 6 port strip and Voodoo Silver Dragons on both CDP and DAC, both Emotiva's latest and greatest. I have a Voodoo Magneto for my Martin Logan Depth I subwoofer. Looking for a nice power cable for my Emotiva XPA-2 stereo amp. I have been considering the following:

1. AntiCables Level 2 performance power cord - 5ft for $230.
2. Voodoo Thunder power cord - 6ft for $525
3. LessLoss Original - 2m for $595

I am leaning towards the Voodoo simply because i'd have all my power cords from the same maker. I even use a digital coax ( SilverStream digital ) from Voodoo to connect my CDP to DAC. The speakers, Martin Logan Theos, are all connected with MIT Shotgun S3 interconnects (2 pairs) and bi-wire speaker cables. The only oddity is the USB cable that I intend to use on my MacBook Pro from Ridge Street Audio (Alethias 15ft run).

Any advice on choosing from the above 3 is greatly appreciated. This is my first post to the forums, so be easy on me :-).


Showing 2 responses by foster_9

I had the top of the line Anticables pc here with very high hopes and it did not improve my system's sound connected to my integrated amp. I really wanted to like it too. Thankfully it came with a return policy. Have had the original Lessloss in an earlier system and eventually sold it. It seemed to roll the highs too much. Triode Wire Labs (TWL) cords are very good and I recommend you give them a try. They have a 30 day return policy to take away the risk of a bad purchase. The TWL cords are getting positive feedback as good for outfitting an entire system.