power amplifier suggestions with BelCanto Dac3

What components generally have good synergy with the Bel? I have not had it long, I'm quite fond of its looks and its size works for me. Curious to hear what you like, or have liked with it. I currently use Kef 104.2 and a few different digital sources. 

Showing 5 responses by meerzistar

I appreciate the offers to consider. I should note I have a full shelf available and no need for a compact power amp. Not that I rule the siblings out. The current Bel has to share a bunk so it worked great for me that way. I have a Bryston 4B connected to get by. Not a match I'd want to live with long term.   
I like it fine just not for this application, I prefer something more musical and warmer without sacrificing detail. Smoking good amps though, I do have other uses for it when needed.   
Those have been my experiences with the Bryston 4B and 3B in several different setups. However I don't find that to be as true with the later and later models they tend to get progressively more musical and forgiving with each model step up. Their current SST3 amplifiers are pure delights, I would gladly grab one if budget was there. Which by the way maxes out at 1200.

I do like McCormack having previously owned a DNA 0.5 and a line drive pre amp. I would not hesitate on another for sound, It would also fit through the window.

I was admiring an Ayre from a distance, Im quite fond of the looks. I will keep my eyes and ears open.  

Do appreciate the light...      
I wired a deposit on a NAD S200 I located a new used one for a pretty good price. I was told it spent about 95% of its life in its box. I took a bit of a gamble here but have a good feeling about it.