Power Amplifier Longevity

Hi All, 
I am venturing into the separate component world and was wondering how long a good power amp typically lasts.  I may have access to some older Lexicon CX and LX series amplifiers.  However, since they are discontinued and nearly 20 years old from what I understand, should I be concerned with how much longer they will last?  If they do need servicing, is this something that is available at a reasonable cost?  Or should I invest in newer equipment?

Budget is a concern for me which is why I am interested in these older (higher quality) amps at a reduced price versus spending the same amount on something newer, but lower quality.

At this time, I have a Marantz AV8802A and Vienna Acoustics speakers. 
Main L/R - Mozart Grand
Center - Maestro Grand
4 Surrounds - Waltz Grand

I thank you in advance for any advice provided on this subject.


Showing 1 response by musicloversaudio

I'm with Erik. No AV piece made more than a couple years ago is a good bet for longevity (excepting Theta Digital).  The Anthem would be a nice upgrade in sound quality over the Marantz, as well.`One of the most disastrous adventures upon which I ever embarked, as far as my marriage is concerned, was me trying to repair my aging Conrad Johnson PV 5. I didn't think to fully test the transformer until after I'd replaced all the caps and several other components. I personally, will never buy used again. The risk is much higher than people think and the opportunity cost is huge as well.