I would look into an Aragon 2004mkII...I know it's only a 100 watt amp but believe me it will drive most anything...it's like some say "they are like a baby Krell" and built like a tank! you could probably find one on A'gon for in the $500.00 range...and if you want to spend just a little more ($600-700) definately look at the 4004mkII
Power amp under 500...
....bucks, not watts.
I'm looking for a used power amp looking to replace a 100 wpc Carver AV-405 and I want to spend no more than 500, I need at leat 150 wpc being 200 wpc better and enough.
I've been looking at the Adcom GFA-555II and the Rotel Rb-991 which can be found for about 400, which one would you choose and why ?
I'm looking for a used power amp looking to replace a 100 wpc Carver AV-405 and I want to spend no more than 500, I need at leat 150 wpc being 200 wpc better and enough.
I've been looking at the Adcom GFA-555II and the Rotel Rb-991 which can be found for about 400, which one would you choose and why ?