Power Amp or Mono blocks for JBL K2 S9900

Looking for recommendations from anyone familiar with the speakers. Room is fairly treated. An all digital setup using Lumin streamer. I currently use an Esoteric Preamp along with Krell FPB400cx with fairly pleasing results. Wondering what power amps or mono blocks go well with the speakers or will provide with additional power / improvements?

Thanks in Advance.

Showing 2 responses by lak

Nice speakers and amp.
Some people like solid-state amps and others prefer the sound of tubes. You have to figure out which one you like. Personally I like both and I have systems that are solid-state, tube, and a combination of both.
You have a very good amp, a different brand with more or less power will simply be a different flavor of music and the same thinking goes with a tube set up. Since your speakers are 93 db I believe a less powerful wattage tube set up will power your speakers for example a tube set up with 50 watts per channel. When I have a bit more time I'll make some tube amp suggestions.
Check out some amps or integrated amps from the following (there are many other good companies that I have not mentioned).
Ayon Audio
Raven Audio