Power amp/integrated amp suggestions for SUPER POWER HUNGRY/INEFFICIENT SPEAKERS

These are the speakers
As you can read: suggested power rating of 100-300w, 87dB sensitivity. I’m gonna need a brute of an amp to drive these things.

I have this headphone amp, which can be used as a preamp for powered desktop speakers, but don’t know if it could be used as a preamp for a power amp.

Any and all thoughts appreciated.

Edit: looks like the Lyr 2 can be used as a preamp. So that leaves me with the decision of the power amp.
Wyred 4 sound hits your budget and your wpc requirement.  They are class D.  Could go integrated, monoblocks or dual mono.  I have the dual mono version st500 mk II. I like it a lot.  Runs cool (good for your small room) sounds towards warm side.  The music room on agon usualluly has some used ones available.  I also found some sx1000 (not the “r”) on my local Craigslist for $940.  Happy to help with the transaction if you decide to go that route.  Pm me if you do.  
I got a used McCormack DNA 0.5 for $650 shipped. It arrived yesterday, and while I haven't heard it yet, the build quality and soldering looks top notch. Can't wait to try it out once I get some speaker wire!
@soix thank you thank you thank you for suggesting that amp! I hooked up my system today, and even with the Lyr as a preamp it sounded fantastic. The bass especially was tight, controlled, and impactful. The McCormack drove the speakers extremely well with minimal distortion. I am very happy with this purchase, and now just have to sort out some room issues to get the most out of this system.