Power Amp for Sonus Faber Electa Amatour

Looking for suggestions regarding a power amp to drive Sonus Faber Electa Amatour II speakers....$4K price range more or less
I use the Bow Technologies Wazoo integrated amplifier for my Sonus Faber Electra Speakers. The unit sells for around $3,500, is very smooth, very musicial and I suggest you listen to it in your system. The Sonus Faber Musica Integrated amplifier is another unit I suggest you try.
Well,Mjang 9 you are wrong Electra Amtor II is not using Esotar tweeter which is one of the best and very expensive.. Electra AmtorII has cheap focal not more than $ 70 wholesale which make them very bad buy in US specially...$ 6500 retail that' nuts.....
To Duzykot: your wrong about the tweeter: it's a ScanSpeak although not the top of the line Revelator, by many considered the best tweeter in the world.
To the integrated (nice, small), the Goldmund, Spectral, and Aleph (all EXCELLENT choices), do add YBA Passion, S-Line RG4 (a bit beyong the price). All these amps share driving power and "musicality" that can make the Amator rock n sing. Your ears will do the rest.
Good luck!