power amp for Dynaudio Contour 3.3

I look for the best suitable power amp and pre amp for my system - Dynaudio Contour 3.3 (speakers) and Micromega Solo (CD player). Jazz is the preferable style. The room is 30 m2.
I run mine with Bryston 7Bst mono blocs and Bryston BP-26 preamp and I couldn't be happier.
i am driving mine with a 30 year old MAC 2205 and am very satisfied. awesome vocals and quick solid base without overpowering the music. with adequate power, its hard to go wrong with these speakers
The Dyns love power to sound their best. I have Pass Labs X600 monoblocks and an Audio Research Ref. II (tubes) preamp. They are an awesome match with the Contours 3.3's. A few years ago, I had the Plinius SA250 Mk. IV which is less detailed than the Pass Labs, but also a good amp for the Dyns.