I used to read the comments here about those who suffer from Tinnitus and always think how horrible that must be. About 6 months ago out of nowhere my left ear just developed a ring. Hasn't let up since...I've tried many things to no avail, but fortunately have learned how to cope. I admit I do take in a lot of caffeine and have wondered if that is the culprit. But truth be told I've always listened to my music loud, seen Iron Maiden 5 times without ear plugs (the last time at MSG my ears rang so loudly for 5 days-I didn't think I'd recover), so I get what I deserve I guess...Some days/periods are better, I don't know if it's because I don't think about it, but for the most part I have just resigned myself to this is how it's going to be...
Potential relief for tinnitus?
Just came across this article. While I don't suffer from this myself, I have read posts from others who do. Hopefully some good will come out of this discovery.